Top 10 Reasons You Should Incorporate Acai Berry Into Your Diet

When it was first introduced to Western civilization, the acai berry seemed merely to be a new type of fruit. Small and darkly-colored, the berry grew in clusters and tasted similar to a blueberry accompanied by a hint of chocolate. Today, we've discovered much of the true value of the acai berry. Through a series of tests and a significant amount of research, experts have learnt that the "superfood" yields several healthy benefits. Here are ten solid reasons the acai berry should be an everyday element of your diet.

Reason #1: Prevents Heart Disease

Acai berries contain a large amount of essential fatty acids and anthocyanins. Both work together to preserve the health of your heart. Studies have shown among those who have suffered a heart attack, the ingredients in acai held a positive affect on their heart.

Reason #2: Improves Your Cardiovascular System

Among the nutrients of acai is an abundance of phytosterols. These are the complex compounds that form the membranes of plant cells. Phytosterols can help to maintain the health of your cardiovascular system.

Cardiovascular system

Reason #3: Helps Digestion

There's a healthy amount of fiber in acai. This fiber helps your digestive tract process food so you can easily eliminate the fecal matter, preventing a buildup of toxicity within your colon. Lack of proper digestion is the cause of more illnesses than you may imagine.

Reason #4: Helps You Lose Weight

The fiber in acai performs two jobs that combine to help you lose weight quickly. First, because the fiber is helping your body process food efficiently, the waste material that cannot be used by your body can be eliminated. Second, consuming foods with fiber will make you feel full more quickly. Feeling full and eliminating waste efficiently will often cause you to shed unnecessary weight.

Reason #5: Helps You Sleep Better

Acai has a healthy blend of nutrients and vitamin B which helps to regulate the hormones and chemicals in your brain while relaxing and regenerating your muscles. When your brain is at rest and your muscles are well-relaxed, you can sleep more restfully.

Reason #6: Gives You A Boost Of Energy

The tribes in the Amazon forest have been eating acai berries for centuries to gain a boost of energy when needed. Today, those who consume acai regularly as a part of their daily diet report feeling a similar energy boost. This is largely due to the vitamins within Acai that stimulate energy levels and induce endorphins, a chemical that leaves you feeling fresh and energetic.

Reason #7: Helps Maintain Your Immune System

Your immune system helps to ward off infections and diseases in your body. Acai helps maintain the health of your immune system. It's a natural source of antioxidants that produce cells that are capable of destroying germs and other harmful entities.

Reason #8: Improves Your Alertness

Many people who use acai regularly as a part of their diet have reported that they feel an extra sense of alertness. If you're becoming drowsy during the afternoon, acai may help keep you alert for the rest of the day.

Reason #9: Relaxes And Regenerates Your Muscles

Acai is also a rich source of amino acids and trace mineral compounds. Your muscles need these properties to regulate their contraction and regeneration.

Reason #10: Helps Prevent Cancer

The same antioxidants that help maintain the health of your immune system also work to battle cancer cells. When cancer cells appear, the antioxidants in acai attempt to destroy them before they have a chance to spread.


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